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Optimal Job Scheduling

package com.thealgorithms.dynamicprogramming;

 * This class refers to the Optimal Job Scheduling problem with the following constrains:
 *  - precedence relation between the processes
 *  - machine pair dependent transportation delays
 * @author
public class OptimalJobScheduling {

    private final int numberProcesses;
    private final int numberMachines;
    private final int[][] Run;
    private final int[][] Transfer;
    private final int[][] Cost;

     * Constructor of the class.
     * @param numberProcesses ,refers to the number of precedent processes(N)
     * @param numberMachines ,refers to the number of different machines in our disposal(M)
     * @param Run , N*M matrix refers to the cost of running each process to each machine
     * @param Transfer ,M*M symmetric matrix refers to the transportation delay for each pair of
     *     machines
    public OptimalJobScheduling(int numberProcesses, int numberMachines, int[][] Run, int[][] Transfer) {
        this.numberProcesses = numberProcesses;
        this.numberMachines = numberMachines;
        this.Run = Run;
        this.Transfer = Transfer;
        this.Cost = new int[numberProcesses][numberMachines];

     * Function which computes the cost of process scheduling to a number of VMs.
    public void execute() {

     * Function which computes the cost of running each Process to each and every Machine
    private void calculateCost() {

        for (int i = 0; i < numberProcesses; i++) { // for each Process

            for (int j = 0; j < numberMachines; j++) { // for each Machine

                Cost[i][j] = runningCost(i, j);

     * Function which returns the minimum cost of running a certain Process to a certain Machine.In
     * order for the Machine to execute the Process ,he requires the output of the previously
     * executed Process, which may have been executed to the same Machine or some other.If the
     * previous Process has been executed to another Machine,we have to transfer her result, which
     * means extra cost for transferring the data from one Machine to another(if the previous
     * Process has been executed to the same Machine, there is no transport cost).
     * @param process ,refers to the Process
     * @param machine ,refers to the Machine
     * @return the minimum cost of executing the process to the certain machine.
    private int runningCost(int process, int machine) {

        if (process == 0) // refers to the first process,which does not require for a previous one
                          // to have been executed
            return Run[process][machine];
        else {

            int[] runningCosts = new int[numberMachines]; // stores the costs of executing our Process depending on
                                                          // the Machine the previous one was executed

            for (int k = 0; k < numberMachines; k++) // computes the cost of executing the previous
                                                     // process to each and every Machine
                runningCosts[k] = Cost[process - 1][k] + Transfer[k][machine] + Run[process][machine]; // transferring the result to our Machine and executing
                                                                                                       // the Process to our Machine

            return findMin(runningCosts); // returns the minimum running cost

     * Function used in order to return the minimum Cost.
     * @param cost ,an Array of size M which refers to the costs of executing a Process to each
     *     Machine
     * @return the minimum cost
    private int findMin(int[] cost) {

        int min = 0;

        for (int i = 1; i < cost.length; i++) {

            if (cost[i] < cost[min]) min = i;
        return cost[min];

     * Method used in order to present the overall costs.
    private void showResults() {

        for (int i = 0; i < numberProcesses; i++) {

            for (int j = 0; j < numberMachines; j++) {
                System.out.print(" ");


     * Getter for the running Cost of i process on j machine.
    public int getCost(int process, int machine) {
        return Cost[process][machine];
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