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Max Word

// Given a sentence, return the most occurring word

 * @param {string} sentence - the sentence you want to find the most occurring word
 * @returns {string} - the most occurring word
 * @example
 *     -  maxWord('lala lili lala'); // lala
const maxWord = (sentence = '') => {
  if (typeof sentence !== 'string') {
    throw new TypeError('the param should be string')

  if (!sentence) {
    return null

  const words = sentence.split(' ')
  if (words.length < 2) {
    return words[0]

  const occurrences = {}
  words.forEach(word => {
    occurrences[word.toLocaleLowerCase()] = occurrences[word.toLocaleLowerCase()] + 1 || 1

  const max = Object.keys(occurrences).reduce((n, word) => {
    if (occurrences[word] > n.count) { return { word, count: occurrences[word] } } else { return n }
  }, { word: '', count: 0 })

  return max.word

export { maxWord }
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