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Gale Shapley

## Gale-Shapley
## ============
## This module implements the classical Gale-Shapley_ algorithm for solving
## the stable matching problem.
## Algorithm features
## ------------------
## - Time complexity of `O(n^2)`, where `n` is the number of contenders or
##   receivers (men or women).
## - Guarantees a stable matching (marriage) for all participants.
## - Best matching for all contenders (neb) among all possible stable matchings.
## - The worst matching for all receivers (women).
## - Being truthful and `resistant to group-strategy`_
##   for contenders, meaning no contender or their coalition can achieve a
##   uniformly better outcome by misrepresenting their preferences.
## - Allowing receivers to manipulate their preferences for a better match.
## Implementation details
## ----------------------
## The implementation uses only an array-based table of preferences for each
## of the participants of the matching. Preprocessing this look-up table for one
## of the sides (here: for recipients) by
## `inverting<#invertPrefs,array[N,array[N,int]]>`_ and then double-booking the
## preferences into a corresponding sequence for each side allows
## the main algorithm to rely only on direct access without linear searches
## (except a single use of `contains`), hash tables or other
## associative data structures.
## Usage example
## -------------
## The following example uses the implemented algorithm to solve the task of
## stable matching as posed by RosettaCode_:
## * Finds a stable set of matches ("engagements").
## * Randomly destabilizes the matches and checks the results for stability.
## Example starts with a discarded string containing a possible output:
## .. _Gale-Shapley:
## .. _RosettaCode:
## .. _resistant to group-strategy:
  discard """
  abe πŸ’‘ ivy, bob πŸ’‘ cath, col πŸ’‘ dee, dan πŸ’‘ fay, ed πŸ’‘ jan,
  fred πŸ’‘ bea, gav πŸ’‘ gay, hal πŸ’‘ eve, ian πŸ’‘ hope, jon πŸ’‘ abi
  Current matching stability: βœ“ Stable
  Swapping matches for random contenders: bob <=> gav
  abe πŸ’‘ ivy, bob πŸ’‘ gay, col πŸ’‘ dee, dan πŸ’‘ fay, ed πŸ’‘ jan,
  fred πŸ’‘ bea, gav πŸ’‘ cath, hal πŸ’‘ eve, ian πŸ’‘ hope, jon πŸ’‘ abi
  Current matching stability: βœ— Unstable
  πŸ’” bob prefers cath over gay
  πŸ’” cath prefers bob over gav

  import std/[random, strutils, sequtils, strformat, options]

    MNames = ["abe", "bob", "col", "dan", "ed", "fred", "gav", "hal", "ian", "jon"]
    FNames = ["abi", "bea", "cath", "dee", "eve", "fay", "gay", "hope", "ivy", "jan"]
    MPreferences = [
      ["abi", "eve", "cath", "ivy", "jan", "dee", "fay", "bea", "hope", "gay"],
      ["cath", "hope", "abi", "dee", "eve", "fay", "bea", "jan", "ivy", "gay"],
      ["hope", "eve", "abi", "dee", "bea", "fay", "ivy", "gay", "cath", "jan"],
      ["ivy", "fay", "dee", "gay", "hope", "eve", "jan", "bea", "cath", "abi"],
      ["jan", "dee", "bea", "cath", "fay", "eve", "abi", "ivy", "hope", "gay"],
      ["bea", "abi", "dee", "gay", "eve", "ivy", "cath", "jan", "hope", "fay"],
      ["gay", "eve", "ivy", "bea", "cath", "abi", "dee", "hope", "jan", "fay"],
      ["abi", "eve", "hope", "fay", "ivy", "cath", "jan", "bea", "gay", "dee"],
      ["hope", "cath", "dee", "gay", "bea", "abi", "fay", "ivy", "jan", "eve"],
      ["abi", "fay", "jan", "gay", "eve", "bea", "dee", "cath", "ivy", "hope"]
    FPreferences = [
      ["bob", "fred", "jon", "gav", "ian", "abe", "dan", "ed", "col", "hal"],
      ["bob", "abe", "col", "fred", "gav", "dan", "ian", "ed", "jon", "hal"],
      ["fred", "bob", "ed", "gav", "hal", "col", "ian", "abe", "dan", "jon"],
      ["fred", "jon", "col", "abe", "ian", "hal", "gav", "dan", "bob", "ed"],
      ["jon", "hal", "fred", "dan", "abe", "gav", "col", "ed", "ian", "bob"],
      ["bob", "abe", "ed", "ian", "jon", "dan", "fred", "gav", "col", "hal"],
      ["jon", "gav", "hal", "fred", "bob", "abe", "col", "ed", "dan", "ian"],
      ["gav", "jon", "bob", "abe", "ian", "dan", "hal", "ed", "col", "fred"],
      ["ian", "col", "hal", "gav", "fred", "bob", "abe", "ed", "jon", "dan"],
      ["ed", "hal", "gav", "abe", "bob", "jon", "col", "ian", "fred", "dan"]
    # Recipient ids in descending order of preference
    ContenderPrefs = initContenderPrefs(MPreferences, FNames)
    # Preference score for each contender's id
    RecipientPrefs = initRecipientPrefs(FPreferences, MNames)

  proc randomPair(max: Positive): (Natural, Natural) =
    ## Returns a random fair pair of non-equal numbers up to and including `max`
    let a = rand(max)
    var b = rand(max - 1)
    if b == a: b = max
    (a.Natural, b.Natural)

  proc perturbPairs(ms: var Matches) =
    let (a, b) = randomPair(ms.contenderMatches.len - 1)
    echo "Swapping matches between random contenders: ",
          MNames[a], " <=> ", MNames[b]
    template swap(arr: var openArray[int]; a, b: int) = swap(arr[a], arr[b])
    ms.contenderMatches.swap(a, b)
    ms.recipientMatches.swap(ms.contenderMatches[a], ms.contenderMatches[b])

  func str(c: Clash; aNames, bNames: openArray[string]): string =
    &"\u{0001F494} {aNames[]} prefers {bNames[c.prefers]} over {bNames[c.match]}"

  proc checkPairStability(matches: Matches; recipientPrefs, contenderPrefs:
                                            openArray[Ranking]): bool =
    let clashes = checkMatchingStability(matches, contenderPrefs, recipientPrefs)
    if clashes.isSome():
      let (clC, clR) = clashes.get()
      echo "\u2717 Unstable\n", clC.str(MNames, FNames), '\n', clR.str(FNames, MNames)
      echo "\u2713 Stable"

  proc render(contMatches: seq[int]; cNames, rNames: openArray[
      string]): string =
    for c, r in pairs(contMatches):
      result.add(cNames[c] & " \u{0001F491} " & rNames[r])
      if c < contMatches.high: result.add(", ")

  var matches = stableMatching(ContenderPrefs, RecipientPrefs)

  template checkStabilityAndLog(matches: Matches; perturb: bool = false): bool =
    if perturb: perturbPairs(matches)
    echo render(matches.contenderMatches, MNames, FNames)
    stdout.write "Current matching stability: "
    checkPairStability(matches, RecipientPrefs, ContenderPrefs)

  doAssert matches.checkStabilityAndLog() == true
  doAssert matches.checkStabilityAndLog(perturb = true) == false

{.push raises: [].}

import std/options
from std/sequtils import newSeqWith

  Ranking*[T: int] = concept c ## A wide concept allowing `stableMatching`
                    ## to accept both arrays and sequences in an openArray.
    c.len is Ordinal
    c[int] is T

  Matches* = object             ## An object to keep the calculated matches.
                      ## Both fields hold the same information from opposite points of view,
                      ## providing a way to look up matching in 0(1) (without linear search).
    contenderMatches*: seq[int] ## Matched recipients for each contender
    recipientMatches*: seq[int] ## Matched contenders for each recipient

  Clash* = tuple[id, match, prefers: Natural]

# Helper functions to prepare the numerical representation of preferences from
# an array of arrays of names in order of descending preference.
func initContenderPrefs*[N: static int](prefs: array[N, array[N, string]];
    rNames: openArray[string]): array[N, array[N, int]] {.compileTime.} =
  ## Contender's preferences hold the recipient ids in descending order
  ## of preference.
  for c, ranking in pairs(prefs):
    for rank, recipient in pairs(ranking):
      assert recipient in ranking
      result[c][rank] = rNames.find(recipient)

func initRecipientPrefs*[N: static int](prefs: array[N, array[N, string]];
    cNames: openArray[string]): array[N, array[N, int]] {.compileTime.} =
  ## Recipient's preferences hold the preference score for each contender's id.
  for r, ranking in pairs(prefs):
    for rank, contender in pairs(ranking):
      assert contender in ranking
      result[r][cNames.find(contender)] = rank

func invertPrefs*[N: static int](prefs: array[N, array[N, int]]):
                                 array[N, array[N, int]] =
  ## Converts each element of `prefs` from Ids in order of decreasing
  ## preference to ranking score for each Id.
  ## Used to convert from format used for Contenders to one used for Recipients.
  for rId, ranking in prefs.pairs():
    for rank, id in ranking.pairs():
      result[rId][id] = rank

func stableMatching*(contenderPrefs, recipientPrefs: openArray[
    Ranking]): Matches =
  ## Calculates a stable matching for a given set of preferences.
  ## Returns an object with corresponding match ids
  ## for each contender and each recipient.
  ## Each element of the argument arrays is an array of ints, meaning slightly
  ## different things:
  ## * `contenderPrefs`: recipient ids in descending order of preference
  ## * `recipientPrefs`: preference score for each contender's id
  assert recipientPrefs.len == recipientPrefs[0].len
  assert contenderPrefs.len == contenderPrefs[0].len
  assert recipientPrefs.len == contenderPrefs.len
  let rosterLen = recipientPrefs.len
    # Initializing result sequences with -1, meaning "unmatched"
    recMatches = newSeqWith(rosterLen, -1)
    contMatches = newSeqWith(rosterLen, -1)
    # Queue holding the currently considered "preference score"
    # (idx of contenderPrefs) for each contender.
    contQueue = newSeqWith(rosterLen, 0)
  template match(c, r: Natural) =
    # Recipient accepts contender, the match is stored
    contMatches[c] = r
    recMatches[r] = c
  while contMatches.contains(-1): # While exist unmatched contenders...
    for c in 0..<rosterLen: # for each contender...
      if contMatches[c] == -1: # if it is yet unmatched...
        # Proposing to the queued recipient
        let r = contenderPrefs[c][contQueue[c]]
        inc(contQueue[c]) # Queue next preferred recipient for this contender
        let rivalMatch = recMatches[r] # Recipient's match index or -1 (vacant)
        if rivalMatch == -1: # Recipient is also unmatched
          match(c, r)
        # Recipient is matched, but contender is more preferable
        elif recipientPrefs[r][c] < recipientPrefs[r][rivalMatch]:
          contMatches[rivalMatch] = -1 # Vacate current recipient's match
          match(c, r)
        # else: contender's proposition is rejected
  Matches(contenderMatches: contMatches, recipientMatches: recMatches)

func checkMatchingStability*(matches: Matches; contenderPrefs, recipientPrefs:
                                openArray[Ranking]): Option[(Clash, Clash)] =
  ## Checks if any matched pair in the current matching is unstable,
  ## i.e. for **both** of the pair there is no alternative matches preferred
  ## to the current match.
  for c, curMatch in matches.contenderMatches.pairs(): # For each contender...
    # Preference score for the current match
    let curMatchScore = contenderPrefs[c].find(curMatch)
    # Try every recipient with higher score, if any
    for preferredRec in 0..<curMatchScore:
      # Recipient to check against
      let checkedRec = contenderPrefs[c][preferredRec]
      # Current match of the checked recipient
      let checkedRival = matches.recipientMatches[checkedRec]
      # If checkedRival's score is worse (>) than contender's score
      if recipientPrefs[checkedRec][checkedRival] > recipientPrefs[checkedRec][c]:
        let clashC = (id: c.Natural, match: checkedRec.Natural,
                      prefers: curMatch.Natural)
        let clashR = (id: checkedRec.Natural, match: c.Natural,
                      prefers: checkedRival.Natural)
        return some((clashC, clashR))
  none((Clash, Clash))

when isMainModule:
  import std/unittest

  suite "Stable Matching":
    test "RosettaCode":
        MNames = ["abe", "bob", "col"]
        FNames = ["abi", "bea", "cath"]
        MPreferences = [
          ["abi", "cath", "bea"],
          ["cath", "abi", "bea"],
          ["abi", "bea", "cath"]]
        FPreferences = [
          ["bob", "abe", "col"],
          ["bob", "abe", "col"],
          ["bob", "col", "abe"]]
        ContenderPrefs = initContenderPrefs(MPreferences, FNames)
        RecipientPrefs = initRecipientPrefs(FPreferences, MNames)

      func isStable(matches: Matches;
                    contenderPrefs, recipientPrefs: openArray[Ranking]): bool =
        let c = checkMatchingStability(matches, contenderPrefs, recipientPrefs)

        let matches = stableMatching(ContenderPrefs, RecipientPrefs)
        # abe+abi, bob+cath, col+bea
        check matches.contenderMatches == @[0, 2, 1]
        check matches.recipientMatches == @[0, 2, 1]
        check isStable(matches, ContenderPrefs, RecipientPrefs)

    test "TheAlgorithms/Python":
      const DonorPrefs = [[0, 1, 3, 2], [0, 2, 3, 1], [1, 0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 1, 2]]
      const RecipientRrefs = invertPrefs([[3, 1, 2, 0], [3, 1, 0, 2],
                                          [0, 3, 1, 2], [1, 0, 3, 2]])
      let matches = stableMatching(DonorPrefs, RecipientRrefs)
      check matches.contenderMatches == @[1, 2, 3, 0]
      check matches.recipientMatches == @[3, 0, 1, 2]

    test "Defect: mismatched number of participants":
      const ContenderPrefs = @[@[0, 1, 2], @[0, 2, 1], @[1, 0, 2], @[0, 1, 2]]
      const RecipientRrefs = @[@[1, 0], @[1, 0], @[0, 1], @[1, 0]]
        discard stableMatching(ContenderPrefs, RecipientRrefs)
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