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The Algorithms

Fast Search

using System;
using Utilities.Exceptions;

namespace Algorithms.Search
    /// <summary>
    ///     The idea: you could combine the advantages from both binary-search and interpolation search algorithm.
    ///     Time complexity:
    ///     worst case: Item couldn't be found: O(log n),
    ///     average case: O(log log n),
    ///     best case: O(1).
    ///     Note: This algorithm is recursive and the array has to be sorted beforehand.
    /// </summary>
    public class FastSearcher
        /// <summary>
        ///     Finds index of first item in array that satisfies specified term
        ///     throws ItemNotFoundException if the item couldn't be found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="array">Span of sorted numbers which will be used to find the item.</param>
        /// <param name="item">Term to check against.</param>
        /// <returns>Index of first item that satisfies term.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ItemNotFoundException"> Gets thrown when the given item couldn't be found in the array.</exception>
        public int FindIndex(Span<int> array, int item)
            if (array.Length == 0)
                throw new ItemNotFoundException();

            if (item < array[0] || item > array[^1])
                throw new ItemNotFoundException();

            if (array[0] == array[^1])
                return item == array[0] ? 0 : throw new ItemNotFoundException();

            var (left, right) = ComputeIndices(array, item);
            var (from, to) = SelectSegment(array, left, right, item);

            return from + FindIndex(array.Slice(from, to - from + 1), item);

        private (int left, int right) ComputeIndices(Span<int> array, int item)
            var indexBinary = array.Length / 2;

            int[] section =
                array.Length - 1,
                item - array[0],
                array[^1] - array[0],
            var indexInterpolation = section[0] * section[1] / section[2];

            // Left is min and right is max of the indices
            return indexInterpolation > indexBinary
                ? (indexBinary, indexInterpolation)
                : (indexInterpolation, indexBinary);

        private (int from, int to) SelectSegment(Span<int> array, int left, int right, int item)
            if (item < array[left])
                return (0, left - 1);

            if (item < array[right])
                return (left, right - 1);

            return (right, array.Length - 1);
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