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Deutsch Jozsa

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm is one of the first examples of a quantum
algorithm that is exponentially faster than any possible deterministic
classical algorithm

We are given a hidden Boolean function f,
which takes as input a string of bits, and returns either 0 or 1:

f({x0,x1,x2,...}) -> 0 or 1, where xn is 0 or 1

The property of the given Boolean function is that it is guaranteed to
either be balanced or constant. A constant function returns all 0's
or all 1's for any input, while a balanced function returns  0's for
exactly half of all inputs and 1's for the other half. Our task is to
determine whether the given function is balanced or constant.


import numpy as np
import qiskit

def dj_oracle(case: str, num_qubits: int) -> qiskit.QuantumCircuit:
    Returns a Quantum Circuit for the Oracle function.
    The circuit returned can represent balanced or constant function,
    according to the arguments passed
    # This circuit has num_qubits+1 qubits: the size of the input,
    # plus one output qubit
    oracle_qc = qiskit.QuantumCircuit(num_qubits + 1)

    # First, let's deal with the case in which oracle is balanced
    if case == "balanced":
        # First generate a random number that tells us which CNOTs to
        # wrap in X-gates:
        b = np.random.randint(1, 2**num_qubits)
        # Next, format 'b' as a binary string of length 'n', padded with zeros:
        b_str = format(b, f"0{num_qubits}b")
        # Next, we place the first X-gates. Each digit in our binary string
        # corresponds to a qubit, if the digit is 0, we do nothing, if it's 1
        # we apply an X-gate to that qubit:
        for index, bit in enumerate(b_str):
            if bit == "1":
        # Do the controlled-NOT gates for each qubit, using the output qubit
        # as the target:
        for index in range(num_qubits):
  , num_qubits)
        # Next, place the final X-gates
        for index, bit in enumerate(b_str):
            if bit == "1":

    # Case in which oracle is constant
    if case == "constant":
        # First decide what the fixed output of the oracle will be
        # (either always 0 or always 1)
        output = np.random.randint(2)
        if output == 1:

    oracle_gate = oracle_qc.to_gate() = "Oracle"  # To show when we display the circuit
    return oracle_gate

def dj_algorithm(
    oracle: qiskit.QuantumCircuit, num_qubits: int
) -> qiskit.QuantumCircuit:
    Returns the complete Deutsch-Jozsa Quantum Circuit,
    adding Input & Output registers and Hadamard & Measurement Gates,
    to the Oracle Circuit passed in arguments
    dj_circuit = qiskit.QuantumCircuit(num_qubits + 1, num_qubits)
    # Set up the output qubit:
    # And set up the input register:
    for qubit in range(num_qubits):
    # Let's append the oracle gate to our circuit:
    dj_circuit.append(oracle, range(num_qubits + 1))
    # Finally, perform the H-gates again and measure:
    for qubit in range(num_qubits):

    for i in range(num_qubits):
        dj_circuit.measure(i, i)

    return dj_circuit

def deutsch_jozsa(case: str, num_qubits: int) -> qiskit.result.counts.Counts:
    Main function that builds the circuit using other helper functions,
    runs the experiment 1000 times & returns the resultant qubit counts
    >>> deutsch_jozsa("constant", 3)
    {'000': 1000}
    >>> deutsch_jozsa("balanced", 3)
    {'111': 1000}
    # Use Aer's simulator
    simulator = qiskit.Aer.get_backend("aer_simulator")

    oracle_gate = dj_oracle(case, num_qubits)
    dj_circuit = dj_algorithm(oracle_gate, num_qubits)

    # Execute the circuit on the simulator
    job = qiskit.execute(dj_circuit, simulator, shots=1000)

    # Return the histogram data of the results of the experiment.
    return job.result().get_counts(dj_circuit)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Deutsch Jozsa - Constant Oracle: {deutsch_jozsa('constant', 3)}")
    print(f"Deutsch Jozsa - Balanced Oracle: {deutsch_jozsa('balanced', 3)}")
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